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Picturing NOLA: New Orleans by Instagram

Since discovering the joys of Instagram, I’ve continued to wield my smartphone like a photographic weapon, searching far and wide for details great and small that illustrate and illuminate our fair city.

I’ve become an Instagram ninja.

Colors of NOLA

Colors of NOLA

It’s become so bad that my wife insists on driving when we’re in the car together; her concern being that my full attention is not focused on the road but rather on my search for the perfect Instagram. It’s OK, I tell her; I’m a professional.

Uh huh. You can imagine how well that line of reasoning goes over.

In any case, this is my second in a semi-occasional series of posts on Instagramming the city.

We (meaning we, here at NolaVie) would love to see your NOLA Instagrams and create a gallery of reader-submitted photos. Please note we’re using the term “Instagram” in a generic sense here; as long as your pictures are taken with a smartphone or tablet, it doesn’t matter which particular application you use to edit them (and there are many).

Email your photos, along with any pertinent information, to

Check out Glen’s gallery of NOLA Instagrams:

Glen Abbott is a New Orleans-based freelance travel writer/photographer. You can follow his blog at, on Twitter, or by email at Send your own New Orleans Instagram photos to




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