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What’s hot, what’s not for 2014

Welcome to 2014. While you’ve been making and breaking resolutions, I’ve been scouring the in and out lists to find out what’s hot and what’s not in New Orleans for the new year. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be caught wearing a mini instead of a midi or high-top boots instead of wedgy sneakers. So 2013.

You can listen below to my WWNO public radio piece on hot NOLA trends for 2014:

Meanwhile, here’s NolaVie’s more streamlined list of what’s hot and what’s not in New Orleans for 2014. Comment and conversation are encouraged.



Boutique venues, a la Civic, Saenger, Joy Marigny Opera House / Stadium-sized arenas


Mini skirts / midi skirts

Wedge sneakers / Boots

Live juicing / Dead juicing?

Edwin Edwards / Bobby Jindal

Dosants (Manhattan Jack) and cruffins (Gracious Bakery) / Cronuts

Aerocats / Stray cats


Bowling alleys in your local pub / Bowling alleys

Pop-up retail / Pop-up restaurants

Common Core / LEAP test

Air bandb / Traditional b and bs

kimchee / kale

Chalmette / Bywater

indulge pool

Swimming pools in your local bars (Indulge Island Grill, The Country Club) / Swimming pools at real country clubs

Oretha Castle Haley corridor / Freret corridor

Wait at / wait at the doctor’s office

Samantha (Her) / Siri (iPhone)

Saints / Saints (they are never out, really)

Stand Up and Get Crunk / Who Let the Dogs Out

Pelicans / Hornets

Legalizing marijuana / Duck Dynasty


Bitcoin / Stock market

Second lining / twerking

Orange is the New Black / Homeland


Wearables (Google Glass, fitness e-bracelets) / Wind-up watches, counting calories


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