Coastal Erosion of the Gulf Coast and its Effects in the Region

Coastal erosion is a silent killer that is effectively taking away the life of the Gulf Coast region. Coastal erosion in the Gulf South has been, and will continue to be, an environmental and economic issue for the U.S., especially the Gulf South. If nothing is done to stop the land loss that is occurring daily, the coastline will lose natural barriers to hurricanes, animal habitats and sanctuaries, and the hunting and fishing industry will be affected. Coastal erosion also has a detrimental effect on the oil industry in the region. As a result, the long term effect of Gulf Coast erosion will have a severe impact not only on the Gulf Coast region’s environment, but the national economy.

The Gulf South is home to the fastest eroding estuaries in the world. Over the past 70 years, Louisiana has lost over 1,900 square miles of wetlands and is still losing over 25 to 30 square miles of wetlands each year. That equals out to a football field of land every hour! (Couvillion, B.R., Barras, J.A., Steyer, G.D., Sleavin, William, Fischer, Michelle, Beck, Holly, Trahan, Nadine, Griffin, Brad, and Heckman, David). Land area change in coastal Louisiana from 1932 to 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3164, scale 1:265,000, 12 p. pamphlet. Louisiana is the state with the greatest amount of land loss due to coastal erosion; however, it is not the only state that is affected by this monstrous environmental “disease.” All of the coastal Gulf South states are losing land to erosion. Coastal erosion is a natural process along the world’s coastlines that occurs through the actions of currents and waves and results in the loss of sediment in some places and deposit in others. However, there has been a dramatic increase in Gulf South coastal erosion over the last two decades.

History of Coastal Erosion in the Gulf South

Coastal erosion is not a new concept. Erosion has taken place for thousands of years all around the world. However, there are many reasons why coastal erosion has increased over the past few years. They include: loss of vegetation, soil erodibility, rainfall intensity, hurricane impact, flooding, as well as runoff and conservation matters (Effects of Erosion). Barrier islands, marshes, and deltas are the most dominant land forms along the coast. These areas are mainly comprised of fine-grained sediments that erode easily in the event of a coastal storm (Erosion Hazard Vulnerability of Us Coastal Counties). At a loss rate of 0.326 km2/year, these islands will be converted to submerged sand shoals in 56 years (Relative Sea-Level Rise in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico). Over the past decade, the Gulf Coast has been hit by seven major hurricanes, which cause intense rainfall and runoff of loose soil due to lack of vegetation. This does not include tropical storms or tropical depressions, which emit large amounts of rainfall and wind, as well. The future loss outlook is bleak as well, with the expectations of greater losses as a function of global climate change, sea-level rise, and increased intensity of tropical and extra-tropical storms (Coastal Education). Hurricane-induced erosion seems to have the largest effect; however, they are not the only weather related cause. “Hurricanes are not required for significant coastal change in the Gulf region. Waves and storm surge associated with tropical storms and winter cold fronts provide sufficient energy to put low-elevation beaches and dunes at risk to erosion”(National Assessment of Hurricane- Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards). This means that even if the Gulf South region never experiences another hurricane, it is still at risk to weather-induced erosion. Vegetation is another reason for erosion. As plants grow, their roots reach into the ground and root in the soil, making it more stable and less likely to be run off. As coastal erosion continues to happen, its effect on the environment increases.

When assessing coastal erosion, many people tend to think that coastal erosion is a new phenomenon. It took the Mississippi River 6,000 years to build the LA coast. It took man 75 years to wash away a third of it. Experts agree we have 10 years or less to act before the loss becomes irreversible (The Times-Picayune). Before levees were built to establish navigation along the Mississippi River in the early twentieth century, the wetlands were replenished with fresh water and silt during the river’s spring floods and continually rebuilt. (Restore or Retreat. “Restore or Retreat”). Today, due to the diversion of the Mississippi River, these nutrients are deposited in the Gulf of Mexico at the mouth of the Mississippi River. Meanwhile, wetland areas that once had run-off from the Mississippi River, but now are disconnected from the river, are depleting. Without the run-off that replenishes the silt, the wetlands are starving. Similarly, the states that rely on the wetlands to protect them from storms and hurricanes are suffering. Finally, as the wetlands are destroyed, wildlife habitats are also vanishing.

Effect on Environment

The destruction of the wetlands will have a truly negative effect on the wildlife that resides in these areas. With the large amounts of land loss, it will cause migratory birds, along with other species of native birds, to fly further north during their migrating season. This can cause problems with birds repopulating, as well as the hunting industry. Likewise, the birds, fish and other land animals will hurt. These same wetlands provide critical nursery habitat for fish and shellfish that form the basis, not only Louisiana’s fisheries and seafood industry, but also those of the entire Gulf region. When you lose that coastline, you lose the habitat that provides the basis for the region’s fisheries to grow and survive (“Louisiana Draws Line in the Sand in Fight Against Coastal Erosion”). Deer who reside in the marsh lands will have to evacuate their homes, forcing them to turn towards more heavily populated cities. However, erosion, does not only affect the animals of the region, it affects the plants that are native to the region as well.

As the Gulf Coast recedes due to land loss, the plants, along with the wildlife, disappear as well. As the land disappears, so do the vital nutrients and silt needed for varying plants to grow. It is not just the fact that the Gulf South is losing plants and animals that are crucial for sustaining life, but the fact that it is losing the raw beauty of the land. The coastline will be losing natural plants such as the black mangrove, which adds beauty to the surrounding environment.

Coastal Erosion and the Economy

Coastal erosion today not only affects the environment, but the economy as well. The Gulf Coast’s beaches provide abundant recreational opportunities, contribute substantially to the local economy, and demand the highest real estate values (“Gulf Coast Vulnerable to Extreme Erosion in Category One Hurricanes: New Model to Help Community Planners, Emergency Managers”). A total of 158 beach nourishment episodes in 60 locations have been recorded (Summary of Beach Nourishment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Shoreline). The Gulf Coast commercial fishing industry provides the U.S. with a huge economic boost. Louisiana, alone, is the most bountiful of the lower 48 states, providing 25% – 30% of the nation’s total catch (Restore or Retreat, “Restore or Retreat.” Accessed March 11, 2014). If the coast line disappears, this major industry and all of the economic benefits it has for the nation will go with it. Many jobs in the fishing industry will be lost, causing the unemployment rate to rise. If this were to happen, the nation as a whole will see the price for fish rise significantly in years to come.

The Gulf Coast beaches are another thing that will be significantly affected by the loss of coast land. These beaches are extremely vulnerable to hurricanes, as there are minimal barriers in front to help depreciate the hurricane. Overall, the loss of the beaches will cause the local economy of the state to diminish. Many of the social and economic characteristics that influence the vulnerability of individuals and communities along the coast are known at a conceptual level (Social Vulnerability and the Coast). The scarcity of beach-compatible sand in many areas of the Gulf Coast places an additional premium on the utilization of dredge spoil for nourishment purposes (Gulf South Beach Nourishment).

Another result of coastal erosion is its effect on the oil industry. If coastal erosion is not slowed down, a possible outcome would be the exposure of pipe lines that were originally underground. This may not sound like a big deal, but as the pipe line is exposed, it is more prone to corrosion and to being punctured. This could cause another oil spill epidemic along with all of the negative effects that come with an oil spill, like it did with the recent BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Due to pipeline exposures, the flow of boats would be disrupted. This will cause pipelines to be more valuable and harder to bring oil to the shoreline.

Current Attempts at Reversing Coastal Erosion

Combined, all of these negative effects will only happen if nothing is done to stop coastal erosion. The plan to conserve wetlands now is to stabilize and ultimately reverse the rate of loss of these critical wetlands. Many Gulf Coast states have implemented plans to help secure the wetlands surrounding their borders. For instance, in the state of Texas, “the Coast wide Erosion Response Plan was created to identify critical coastal erosion” (Erosion Response Plans). This 2009 plan was put in place to identify “current critical erosion areas for prioritized erosion response actions and provide new information that may be used as a reference by local governments in developing their own local erosion response plans” (Erosion Response Plans). In what has become an annual event since it became involved in the fight against coastal erosion in 1989, the Louisiana National Guard joined the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in placing Christmas trees in eroding areas. The trees collected curbside by the city of New Orleans will help stem erosion and promote silting to help the habitat,the trees then begin new life as saviors of the Louisiana wetlands (Christmas trees are recycled in Bayou Sauvage to fight erosion).

Another act that is in effect is the Breaux Act. The Breaux Act designates a percentage of the money it receives from taxes on fishing equipment, import duties, and motorboat fuels and puts it toward coast restoration in Louisiana (Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act). Even though Louisiana’s coast line is the main focus of the act, it still touches other states. The Breaux Act also gives money towards the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program and the North American Wetlands Conservation Act which both help to rebuild other depleting coast lines.

Additionally, there are numerous non-governmental groups working on restoring the wetland and barrier islands as well. For example, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, has built over 159 miles of levees, benefited over $19,500 acres of coastal habitat, and more (Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority). This is just one organization at work for the greater cause. If we make aware the general public of this ever growing problem, then more can be done to help protect the wildlife, economy, and people of the Gulf South states.

Coastal erosion has a devastatingly negative impact on the Gulf South. On a daily basis, land is lost to erosion and habitats are destroyed in the process. All of which has a detrimental effect on the economy of the area and the nation. While projects are in place and new construction has occurred to prevent coastal erosion, there are many questions as to whether it is enough. One thing is for sure, more can always be done and needs to be done to stop the erosion. If it is not stopped, then we will lose precious habitat or worse, our heritage.



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