Editor’s note: Multimedia artist Claire Bangser started a new portrait-based story project that marries image and text. NOLAbeings is inspired by the Humans of NY project, and comes from the belief that we can all learn from each others’ stories. Primarily featured on Instagram (and tumblr), Claire meets people in coffee shops, grocery stores, living rooms, sidewalks, and learns something about each individual through a snapshot conversation and image. The first week saw 26 posts (and counting), so we here at NolaVie decided, after discovering and falling in love with the project, to feature ’roundups’ of these NOLAbeings. Here are five pieces that represent a cross-section of what this series documents on a continual basis.
Mr. Okra (Photo: Claire Bangser)
“My daddy used to do this. When we growed up we started doing it. We used to go in the truck and things with him. But my daddy he started it all with a push cart. That was way back then.”
(Photo: Claire Bangser)
“What has he taught you?” “The joy of sleep.”
(Photo: Claire Bangser)
“I’m going on a first date right now. An OkCupid date. I posted on Facebook: ‘Should I go as Captain Planet? Pro: it will be the most memorable first date ever. Con: it will be the most memorable last date ever.”
(Photo: Claire Bangser)
“Wherever you go, you have to be good with everybody. Speak with people. Be with people. Be a good person wherever you walk. Look at everybody the same way. Not bigger, not smaller. Person is person, no matter what.”
“How have you seen New Orleans change since you were young?”
“Nothing has changed. Nothing changed. Because they still doing the things that the Lord don’t want us to do.”
Multimedia artist Claire Bangser created NOLAbeings as a portrait-based story project that marries image and text. To read more about the process behind this series, click here.