Your week got the better of you and you missed a beat or two on NolaVie. You can catch up on local cultural arts news in NolaVie’s Week in Review, featuring a snapshot of the week’s features, published every Saturday.
Neutrons Protons: Sad about improv
Editor of online literary magazine Neutrons Protons Nick Thomas discusses the challenges and triumphs of improv comedy classes at The New Movement Theater.
White Light After Dark keeps the party going
An off-Julia Street White Linen speakeasy party offers New Orleanians an alternative way to celebrate White Linen Night.
Here’s one lesson to be learned
Sharon Litwin reprises a conversation with one of our city’s most extraordinary “elders,” Paul Frabry, a man who went through the horrors of war and still believed he could make a difference to world peace.
A photo gallery of nearby summer beach spot Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
We’ve all had an inconsiderate neighbor; for one New Orleans man, this neighbor was a rooster.
A short documentary about Bring Your Own, a New Orleans-based live, pop-up storytelling series.
Chasing after the anti-run: Aerial class
The third segment of our summer series about unconventional workouts, featuring an aerial class.