Your week got the better of you and you missed a beat or two on NolaVie. You can catch up on local cultural arts news in NolaVie’s Week in Review, featuring a snapshot of the week’s features, published every Saturday.
NOLA-set film seeks test audience
Randy Mack, the director of new film “Laundry Day” — a dark comedy by/of/about NOLA – will involve local audiences by holding a special test screening and Q&A session on Thursday, September 11th at Indywood Cinema.
DIAGNOSIS: SAD (Saints Affective Disorder)
There are so many fans who suffer from SAD that it has become the official disorder of Saints football.
Author coins 200-year-old strategies for success
Former Wall Street executive Morgan Molthrop produces “Andrew Jackson’s Playbook,” a book that outlines strategies for success by reflecting upon the Battle of New Orleans and comparing Major Jackson to modern leaders.
A baby box for the millennial crowd
Amidst the craze for monthly deliveries of boxed goodies — from dog toys to chocolates to nail polish — a New Orleans entrepreneur offers Little Pnuts, a locally-based baby box variety.
End-of-summer rant No. 3: They’re not fixing the roads…
In a city that takes t minus infinity days to complete specific road repair projects, we’ve started wondering if repair is, in fact, the end goal. Are crews excavating subway tunnels? Building the Versailles of sand castles? Looking for a time capsule buried by Napoleon?
Those who leave and those who stay: Katrina 9 years out
Sometimes you need a change of scenery to continue thriving… even when it’s New Orleans that you call home.