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NolaVie: You Give, We Give, We all Gif

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It’s the season to Gif. Excuse us, we meant give, and NolaVie wants to give back to those who give to us. Here’s what we have in store for the holiday season and all of 2016.

  • Donate $50 or more=NolaVie dedicates a story to a person of your choosing
  • Donate $75 or more=NolaVie gives you are private party with the writers and staff
  • Donate $100 or more=NolaVie makes you one of their Designated Diners
  • Donate $150 or more=NolaVie will come up with a surprise gift along with their unending thanks!

So ’tis the season to be merry, give the gift that keeps on giving, and let your holiday graciousness shine. Give to NolaVie by clicking here so we can continue to give to you all year round. Happy Holidays!


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