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Book Fest Week: Awakened minds at Bard Early College New Orleans


BECNO students (Photos by: Kelley Crawford)

Editor’s Note: The New Orleans Book Festival takes place Nov. 11 and 12, with dozens of critically acclaimed local, regional, and national authors, readings, food, music, and an entire section devoted to children’s literature. This week, NolaVie partners with the Book Fest to present a week of education-oriented stories focusing on literature.

Continuing our “Book Fest Week” series, NolaVie visited Bard Early College New Orleans, to interact with students and faculty as they tackle questions such as “What is Privacy?” in their seminar classes and “How do you solve social injustices through architecture” in the elective course led by Bryan C. Lee. Whether contemplating the role of the humanities in the medical field or deconstructing speeches to analyze the effectiveness of language, these students think in new forms while at BECNO, and here are some highlights from the students themselves.


“Privacy can go public, but never, ever the other way around. You can feel as private as possible even in a public space, it’s still a degree of public presence that can’t be ignored.” — Kennedy London (BECNO student)


BECNO students researching the role of humanities in the medical field (Photos by: Kelley Crawford)

“The human drive to seek out knowledge is our aspiration to become more than who we are. It’s like our way of trying to understand ourselves and the world around us. To try to see if there is anything beyond ourselves but hoping not to find anything.” — Berenice Alfaro (Former BECNO student)

“Many people would agree that how a person handles themselves in private is reflective of their true self and intentions.” — Kylar Hughes (BECNO student)

“Every single individual is a part of society, no matter their sexual preference, orientation, race, shape, or any defining characteristic about them. Being that this is so, why does society still exclude people based on those definitions? These tactics particularly destroy the public realm because people then feel excluded from mass society, so how are they to form a bond with the rest of their society, culturally?” — Garionna Price (BECNO student)


BECNO student choosing shapes to help create city blocks that create equality and justice (Photos by: Kelley Crawford)

“Did you ever try to capture the wind as a kid? It moves swiftly and freely and you want to keep it forever. So you jump, chase, and grab at the wind but never really get ahold of it. Privacy is like the wind. You know what it feels like, but you can never really hold onto it forever. Privacy is temporary and something that no one can give you. But they can take it away.” — Daenelle Newton (BECNO student)

“The idea that the majority always wins destroys privacy at its core. Mass society destroys privacy by always putting the mass society first.” — Daut’e Martin (BECNO student)


“…privacy is not supposed to be defined. So many people have different types of privacy, even though we are connected in needing to have privacy.” — Antoine Duplessis (BECNO student)


New Orleans Book Festival

  • What: The New Orleans Book Festival presented by First Lady Cheryl Landrieu
  • Where and when: The festival begins on Friday, Nov. 11 with performances by the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra quintet and Young Audiences from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Latter Branch Library, 5120 St. Charles Ave. Bring blankets or lawn chairs. Local food trucks will be onsite, and attendees may bring their own picnics.
  • The festival continues on Saturday, Nov. 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Big Lake in New Orleans City Park, near the New Orleans Museum of Art, 1 Collin Diboll Circle. The day will feature readings, author signings, panels and other activities for readers of all ages. Children will get free books.
  • Transportation: Free shuttles are available from area libraries, Click here for the schedule.
  • Admission: Free

The “Book Fest Week” series is underwritten by New Orleans Book Festival.



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