Editor’s note: NolaVie is proud to partner with five young tech apprentices in the Earn and Learn program at the Cowen Institute at Tulane University. The program offers intensive, career-focused technical and academic skills training through partnering institutions Bard Early College and Delgado Community College. We asked the Earn and Learn students to use their tech skills to write, produce, publish, edit and cover their community, with content that will appear here and on their own blog, Y-U-Kno Tech. First up: Meet the techies.
Nick James (Photo by: Kelley Crawford)
I’m Nicholas James, a 23-year-old computer technician and overnight stocker in New Orleans, and I live in New Orleans east.
Career Goal: Computer technician with Apple
Two things I’d want on a desert island: Music and my girlfriend
If I were a tool, I’d be: I would be a screwdriver, because it is the most commonly needed and used tool.
Favorite food: Chinese
Things I hate about New Orleans: The danger level
Things I want for New Orleans: Peace, and it doesn’t have to be everybody getting along with one another. When I say “peace,” I mean no killing and no fighting.
Things I love about New Orleans: The rise of the care for education and the many programs and job opportunities that are being developed for African Americans. Also, it’s a one-of-a-kind city, unlike any other in the entire United States.