Editor’s Note: NolaVie is proud to partner with five young tech apprentices in the Earn and Learn program at the Cowen Institute at Tulane University. The program offers intensive, career-focused technical and academic skills training through partnering institutions Bard Early College and Delgado Community College. Nick James, a 23-year-old computer technician wanted to give us a glimpse into what it is like to be part of the Earn and Learn Program.
The Earn and Learn program (photo by: Nick James)
On one end we work, we study, we go to class, we grow wiser, we grow as better people, we bring the better out of ourselves and out of others; we do what we need to do so that our future holds nothing but the best. Thats’ on one end.
On the other end we play, we joke, we shed some tears, we share our struggles, we even fuss and fight. But all together as one, we uplift each other and we hold each other to high standards. United as one: who can mess with us? I’ll wait…