Lenne Klingaman, Desi Oakley and Charity Angel Dawson in the National Tour of Waitress (photo credit: Joan Marcus)
Who: Charity Angel Dawson
What: Actress, playing the role of Becky in Waitress
Where: Heading to New Orleans for the performance of Waitress, which will run June 12-17 at The Saenger Theater
Q: If Becky, your character from Waitress became a real person and part of your life, how do you think your life would change?
CD: I think I have a Becky in my life. She’s actually in Waitress with me; she plays Nurse Norma. We actually met when we were doing a previous show, Ain’t Misbehavin, and we became fast friends. Then we got the opportunity to do this performance together, so we did it.
She helps hold me accountable and spurs me into action for reaching my goals. And she is sassy.
Q: Since Waitress takes place in a diner, what is the worst restaurant story you have?
CD: [Laughing]. I have a couple, but when I was a kid, I remember being in Golden Corral. We had just come from church. I was around 12 or 13 at this time, and we had this large group from Mexico with us.
My sister was being ridiculous. She was acting like she knew Spanish and she kept saying these words and looking at me in a way that was making me laugh so hard. I was also eating a salad, and I told her, ‘You have to stop, or you’re going to make me throw up.’ Sure enough, she kept making me laugh, and I did start to throw up. Right when I felt it, I got up to go to the bathroom–mind you, there are all these guests from Mexico–but I’m still laughing, so vomit is spewing out of my hands, and as I’m trying to walk to the bathroom, I slip and fall in my vomit.
So I’m lying in the middle of Golden Corral, in my own vomit, still laughing, and in front of all these people. I peeled myself off the floor, went to the bathroom, and I finally got myself together.
Q: What story would you love to rewrite?
CD: All the stories that I love have the vindication at the end, so I love the turmoil and the trials that people go through because that allows for growth. With this in mind, I’m not sure I would change any story as long as it has that turn-around at the end.
Although, there was a time when I really wanted my character, Becky, to end up with Dr. Pomatter. I don’t want to spoil the show, but Becky doesn’t end up with him. I get why, but I just always thought they had something so special.
Ryan G. Dunkin and the Cast of the National Tour of Waitress (photo credit: Joan Marcus )
Q: Who often fixes things for you?
CD: I really do a lot of reaching out to my mom. I just got off the phone with her, in fact. When I need to think through something philosophical or spiritual, I talk to her or to my sister, Hope. They both help me through a lot of things in life.
Q: When did you start to overcome your nerves?
CD: It takes a while. After consistently performing, you start to understand that the audience is there for you. They want to be entertained, they are rooting for you, and they are on your side. When you realize that the audience is in your corner, that helps you overcome your nerves.
Charity Angel Dawson will be playing the role of Becky in the performance of Waitress, which will be at The Saenger Theater from June 12 until June 17. Presented by the New Orleans Theatre Association, Waitress will close out the East Jefferson General Hospital Broadway in New Orleans 2017-2018 season. Tickets range in prices, and you can purchase them here.