Miss Helen making smiles with her love of dance. (Photo provided by: Ann Mahorner)
Helen: Lost in a Sea of Familiarity 12/10/12
Lost in a sea of familiarity
She struggles to find identity
In space and time and place.
Her attention easily captured
She hopes for a revelation
That continues to elude her grasp.
Searching for hints and clues
She reads the tags on furniture
Sounding out words of warning
“Under penalty of law if removed
By anyone but the consumer.”
And she wonders what it means
And if she might be in trouble…
So, she smiles at all who pass …
Though she knows not who they are
Or why or where she is…
A lifetime of manners serves well,
For others do smile back…
She has forgotten who I am
But senses I am something good
And agrees to do things my way.
Not knowing what else to do
Helen blesses me with her trust.
© Reece Burka 2/1/2019