Helen showing off her moves and her style. (Photo by: Richard Eager)
A Suite for Miss Helen: The Thief of Flowers 6/9/13
It’s a beautiful day
Warm enough for Helen’s comfort.
So I roll her into the garden
And place her where she can see
The fountain, the birds, the trees,
And a planter overflowing
With the blossoms of Spring.
Helen locks into the beauty of the flowers,
The flowers in the planter…
She wants them for herself.
It matters not that they are meant for all …
She wants them for herself
And nothing will dissuade!
I think it is not right,
I think I shouldn’t,
I fear embarrassment,
I fear chagrin,
And, rightfully so …
To be branded as a thief
A thief of flowers,
The flowers meant for all …
But I can’t resist my desire
To bring Miss Helen
All the pleasure I can.
So, swallowing my scruples
I yield to the force,
The force of her desire
To possess and be possessed
By life in all its beauty
As I pick the blossoms
From the back of the planter
Where I pray they won’t be missed.
Hoping I won’t be noticed
I present them to Miss Helen
Who smiles in satisfaction
As she holds the flowers dear.
And I tell her not to tell
Who stole for her the flowers
The flowers from the planter
In the center of the Garden
The flowers meant for all.
© Reece Burka 2/1/2019