The beauty of a walk into the unknown. (Photo: Wiki Commons)
The Lottery WinnerHaving given into the urgeto buy a lottery ticketwhen the jackpot approachedthe billion dollar mark,I now find myself staringat the ticket and resisting the urgeto check the winning numbers.I am not yet ready to trade my life as it isfor the life of surfeit that would descendshould chance favor me.And I am not yet ready to give upmy dream if it doesn’t.But most of all, I am not yet willingto give up the delicious uncertaintyof not knowing.So, I will wait a while and enjoythe pleasure of beingboth winner and loser.Knowing that if I am a winner,I have so much to lose…And if I am a loser I get to keepall that I have already won.Reece Burka1/24/2021