Renee Peck, Editor and co-founder of NolaVie and ViaNolaVie. (Photo by Renee Peck)
Renee Peck, Editor of NolaVie, has lived with her ghost Henry since the day she moved into her house. She may not see him, but she hears him, and he’s always up to some kind of trick. Hear her story here:
David Benedetto, writer and audio host. (Photo by: David Benedetto)
David Benedetto, writer for NolaVie, took an urban legend to its limits by going to Satan’s Bridge, which was peppered in spiritual stories. They were a road trips that have left him wondering about spirits and legends to this day. Hear his story here:
Kelley Crawford, writer, managing editor, and co-founder of ViaNolaVie. (Photo by: Elizabeth Gross)
Kelley Crawford, Managing Editor and writer for NolaVie, had a house sitting gig that came with ghosts. They made themselves known through glass and fog, and she has a photo to prove it (featured photo). Hear her story here:
Brian Friedman. (Photo provided by: Brian Friedman)
The late, Brian Friedman, writer for NolaVie, knows what it means to lose a loved one, and he also has experienced the signs that let you know your loved one is never really gone. We miss him and his voice, and we are so happy to have it on recording. Hear his story here:
Little Theater and Most Likely to Succeed by Carol Pulitzer. (Photo provided by: Carol Pulitzer)
Carol Pulitzer, writer for NolaVie, has seen many things in her life that she cannot fathom. An overnight in New Mexico led her to a sky of lights that had no explanation. Hear her story here: