Abortion Rights Sign
Photo by: Women’s Aid Center
In 1973, in Roe vs Wade, the US Supreme Court declared that the “fundamental right of single women and married persons to choose whether to have children is protected by the Ninth Amendment, through the Fourteenth Amendment”. Female rights, such as birth control, taxes on feminine products, the wage gap, and more are and always have been a largely discussed topic in our society – and not everyone has always had the same viewpoint. One of the largest debated topics is abortion rights with the main ideas of pro-life and pro-choice – but there is an important viewpoint that needs to be considered which is that of those who have gone through the procedure of an abortion.
Logo of Women’s New Life Clinic photo by: Women’s New Life Clinic
The Women’s New Life Clinic is a clinic at 4612 S. Claiborne Avenue New Orleans, LA 70125 is open to helping women despite the rise in the negativity surrounding abortion. In a study done to find out why women get abortions, it was found that there are many reasons including financial, mental, readiness, health, other, and more (Biggs, 2013). And the clinic helps women through all or any of these reasons. The clinic offers professional counseling after an abortion, for adoption awareness, for miscarriages and stillbirths, and even family or couple counseling. The clinic also offers the process of abortion pill reversal as well as information about it. In a world where half of the people do not believe in abortions, the Women’s New Life Clinic is both safe and available to anyone who needs it. Kayla says that her counselor at the Women’s New Life Clinic helped her realize that she was not the only one going through the experience and helped her with information. And Lauren says that the counselors and nurses were respectful and helped her come to her own decision while making sure she was comfortable.
Including the Women’s New Life Clinic, there is also the Nola Abortion Fund. In 2020 alone, this organization raised over $300,000 to fund abortions. The organization is spread across eight states throughout the US including Washington DC, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and more. Not only is the organization stationed in these states but also in multiple cities within the states. The Nola Abortion Fund provides help to low-income women seeking help with an abortion.
What NOAF stands for
photo by: NOAF
The most common race that the Nola Abortion Fund helped in the year 2020 was Black women. Black women represent 17% of New Orleans’ occupants. Black women are part of the two groups that face the most discrimination in our society and because of this, they face many unfair disadvantages: uneven wage earnings; higher rates of poverty; increased infant mortality; increased maternal mortality; increased contact with the criminal justice system and overall lower quality of life. Many of the women who go through the process of abortion do it because they are not ready to start a family – and this can be for many reasons. NOAF helped 229 women from the ages of 12-47 in the year 2020 and 4.1% of those women were minors. On top of that, 52% of the women were unemployed.
Ultimately, the women who go through the process of abortion are doing it because they cannot provide their future child with the life that he or she deserves. The Women’s New Life Clinic and the Nola Abortion Fund are necessary organizations for our society to grow and thrive.