It’s GiveNOLA Day!

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After 12 years of cutting-edge cultural coverage, we at NolaVie bring you a lively bit of lagniappe for 2023.

Cause we like to be our quirky selves at NolaVie (created on Canva)

– Are we still publishing articles, essays, photos and videos celebrating only-in-NOLA moments? You know it.

– Are we still partnering with Tulane to mentor students and connect them with more than 50 local non-profits? Yes, ma’am.

Are we still posting all your faves on social media? Mais oui.

So what’s new?

This year our GiveNOLA Day dollars will go to another exciting new endeavor: a monthly newsletter devoted to all the things you love most about this city. From round-ups of quirky events and emerging eateries to short but erudite ponderings about the weirdness of living in NOLA, we will deliver entertaining content right to your in-boxes.

So please help us as we continue our mission to celebrate our city, and consider a gift for GiveNOLA Day.

Many thanks!

Kelley and Renee



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