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Save the Picayune rally at 4 p.m. today

A Save the Picayune Rally will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. today, Monday, June 4th, in the parking lot of Rock n Bowl, in the 3000 block of South Carrollton Avenue.

On the agenda: A show of support for the employees of The Times-Picayune and for retaining daily publication of the newspaper, which announced recently that it will reduce publication to three days a week in the fall.

The event is being shaped as a community tailgate, with music by The Iguanas, Lonely Lonely Knights, Alex McMurray and others. Organizers say that the intent is not to suggest a boycott or other action against the newspaper, but rather to show support for retaining a daily paper in the New Orleans area. The public is invited — make that urged — to attend.




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