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Taymika G. Byrd presents Crescent City Connection

Taymika G. Byrd presents Crescent City Connection at the Community Book Center April 19

crescent city connection

Local author Taymika G. Byrd will present and sign copies of her new book, Crescent City Connection, during an event from 4 – 8 p.m. on Saturday, April 19, at the Community Book Center (2523 Bayou Road).

Crescent City Connection follows a young protagonist through the milieu of Mardi Gras and the traumatic and terrifying spiral she’s sent down after being sexually assaulted during the festival. The closeness with which the narrative cleaves to the psychological nightmare Byrd’s protagonist experiences—as well as the day-to-day nightmare that continues with the persistent advances of her attacker afterward—make the book a harrowing meditation on sexual violence and its effects. Crescent City Connection is meant to be both a literary work and a means of spreading awareness about sexual violence in New Orleans. Byrd, who recently appeared on WYLD Radio’s Sunday Journal to discuss the book and sexual violence (the audio isn’t up yet; be patient), will donate proceeds from sales of Crescent City Connection to Crescent House, an organization that provides safe space, counseling, and legal assistance for women survivors of abuse and their children.

This article was reposted from Press Street: Room 220, a NolaVie content partner.


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