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APPtitude: What entrepreneurs have on their phone for NOEW

Editor’s Note: We think of entrepreneurs as being on the cutting edge. They have the new ideas, the new creations, and the innovative ideas that turn thoughts into actualities. So Sarah Holtz and I hit Fulton Street Alley (the current hot spot forNew Orleans Entrepreneur Week) to ask some NOEW attendees and presenters about the smartphone Apps that keep them invigorated and interested. Here’s an inside peek at entrepreneurs’ smartphones.



Who: Greg Harris

Trade: Entrepreneur

Specificity: Owner of MEUSU

Favorite App: Any Podcast App

Why he likes it: “I listen to a lot of tech podcasts and other podcasts that are informative. I do a lot of deliveries, so I’m always in my car. It’s a way to keep up with what’s going on and also keep my eyes on the road.”


: John Walker Baus

Trade: Fund Development

Specificity: Grant writing and fund raising

Favorite App: Viber or Whatsapp

Why he likes it: “I have friends that live in London and other places. I think it’s pretty gnarly that I can talk with them for free. It makes you feel like you beat the system.”


facebookWho: Jose Figueroa

Trade: Media

Specificity: Film crew of NOEW

Favorite App: Facebook

Why he likes it: “I mean Facebook is the one I use the most. It’s the only social media I have. I don’t do anything else for social media, so it’s the one source I have used to keep up with friends I have in different states.”


outlookWho: Kim Bergeron

Trade: Entrepreneur

Specificity: Concierge of Artist and Causes

Favorite App: Outlook

Why she likes it: “I’m a slave to Outlook.”


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