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Song premiere: “Lights” by Skelatin


Photo by Erik Skramstad

Local indie rock band Skelatin has shared an exclusive premiere of the song “Lights,” the second release off their forthcoming debut EP These Living Rooms. The band will celebrate the record’s release next Friday, March 3 with a show at Siberia, where the album will be available on CD and cassette.

Skelatin is the brainchild of Sam Levine, who handles vocals, bass, and songwriting duties as well as co-producing the band’s first record. The band has been writing and recording the songs on These Living Rooms for the past two years, and Levine is excited to finally release the album. Levine says about “Lights:”

“Lights” is a song I wrote during an actual blackout in my old house on St Claude Ave. I was just sitting there arpeggiating the same chord over and over in the dark when I came up with the opening lyric: “Wishing the lights would never come back on…I could get used to this.” The verses had no real harmonic progression, so I wrote that syncopated bass part to create some movement. I demoed it and played with some drums on my laptop, and I found that a super basic dance beat paired well with the major tonality of the guitars. It was fun to shape the somber lyrics, which explore feelings of isolation and insignificance, against the simple, euphoric sonics. We enlisted Jake Gold to lay some nice piano chords and pads into the mix during the recording to further build that atmosphere.

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These Living Rooms will be released on March 3 and will be available on CD, cassette, and digital formats via (iTunes, Spotify). Skelatin will be joined by glam-pop auteurs Rareluth and local synthpop band dusty_tupelo + the family band for their album release show at Siberia on March 3.


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