The poetic city: A suite for Miss Helen, “The Magic is Still Magic 7/29/12”



The magic of Miss Helen (Photo by: Don Keller)


The Magic is Still Magic 7/29/12


Helen greets me today with fatigue and hesitancy.

Uncertain about accompanying me, she demurs, then agrees.

She lets me wheel her into the vestibule that has become our dance floor.

She bends her head to make it easier for me to place the earbuds.

But the music doesn’t bring the instant joy I expect …

The joy that has become my joy.

At first her movement seems forced, perhaps to please.

I worry about her condition and my motivation.

I fear she has accompanied me out of charity.

Beset with doubt, I question myself until

I happen to notice her foot tapping to the beat.

Then I feel her thumb dancing with my thumb …

Subtle, playful, and sure.

Her fingers run across my face as a pianist tickling the ivories.

Laughing at my surprise, she breaks into delight

And we dance cheek to cheek …

And I know the magic is still magic.

© Reece Burka 2/1/2019


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